Shareholders' Meeting

Shareholders’ Meeting 28/08/2024

Document title
Notice of call of the shareholders’ meeting
pdf 211.86 KB
Abstract notice of call Shareholders’ Meeting
pdf 269.14 KB
Information on Share Capital
pdf 195.46 KB
Proxy Subproxy form Appointed Representative 135-novies
pdf 219.29 KB
Proxy form Appointed Representative 135-undecies
pdf 250.08 KB
Integrated Annual Report as of April 30, 2024 (PDF)
pdf 14.77 MB
Integrated Annual Report as of April 30, 2024 (ZIP ESEF)
zip 33.17 MB
Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure
pdf 696.99 KB
Item 2 Ordinary – Explanatory Report on Remuneration
pdf 213.65 KB
Item 1 Ordinary – Explanatory Report on Financial Statements
pdf 207.00 KB
Item 3 Ordinary – Explanatory Report on Purchase of Treasury Shares
pdf 199.21 KB
Item 4 Ordinary – Explanatory Report on Renewal of BoD
pdf 193.96 KB
Item 1 Extraordinary – Explanatory Report on Exclusive Appointed Representative
pdf 300.63 KB
Item 2 Extraordinary – Explanatory Report on Increased Voting Right Matters
pdf 230.07 KB
Report on Remuneration Policy and Paid Considerations
pdf 517.60 KB
Item 3 Extraordinary – Explanatory Report on Increasing Voting Rights
pdf 254.47 KB
Presentation of candidates list for BOD: List 1 – ITH SpA
pdf 5.64 MB
Presentation of candidates list for BOD: List 2 – Group of shareholders
pdf 16.12 MB
Proposals of resolution of the shareholder ITH S.p.A.
pdf 2.23 MB
SESA Shareholders Meeting 28.08.2024 – Summary report of votes
pdf 303.05 KB
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