How we welcome talent in Sesa

“We are looking for people who want to be leaders of the country's technological and digital innovation.”

We perform research and selection activities of graduates, professionals, and managers. The Recruiting team develops and implements strategies that allow Sesa to attract and hire excellent talents.


Training, professional development, and work-life balance:
our strengths

In Sesa we undertake collaborations with universities and schools of excellence, to guide young people in the development of digital, strategic and multidisciplinary skills for our business.

The initiatives that we support are aimed at:

  • guiding and bringing the younger generation towards the workplace; – align the education offer of schools and universities towards the business’s needs;
  •  develop excellent training to ensure production system innovation and development;
  • consolidate the Group’s image.

Our vision of HR Management is based on four pillars:

  • Be attractive: we offer a high standard of work experience to all of our candidates and employees;;
  • Create engagement: engaging and meaningful work for our people in order to make them more productive, innovative and satisfied with their work;
  • Develop skills: We invest in our people with career development programs and advancement opportunities;
  • Employee retention: we are committed to create an engaging work environment and develop carriers in an environment where inclusion, diversity and work-life balance are at the heart of our actions.

Angela’s advice:
how to face your first job interview

Step 1- Introduce your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and your motivations

During the call or online interview, the recruiter focuses on exploring the main elements of your CV. Get ready to speak about your CV. Talk about your experiences, focusing on each one, trying to identify the activities and situations that are representative of it. State what are your motivations for the candidacy but in formulating them always keep in mind the company context and the open position.


Step 2- Listen and ask questions

Looking enthusiastic and interest in the position is the best way to leave a good mark. Do not prepare pre-set questions, express yourself based on the information you have received and always considering the company context. Remember that active listening is also a manifestation of interest!

Step 3- Go straight to be point

Stating your objectives is crucial since this allows you and the recruiter to understand if that position is suited for your profile. Ask for more information and clarifications on the position. If you believe that some aspects of that position are not in line with your objectives (for example the position requires transfers or unfitting activities) explain that to the recruiter. Remember that is not only the company to choose you, but you are also able to choose a job that suits your passions and inclinations.


How we train our human resources

The Group’s ability to attract talented people is also reflected in the growth of the workforce recorded during the last fiscal year, with a positive balance of 607 new hires.


Diversity and inclusion

We believe the protection of diversity is fundamental and we are committed to offering equal opportunities of development and growth to our human capital starting from the personnel selection phase.


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